6 Little Seeds - Mature Content
A list of the NSFW, potentially triggering, and mature things you will encounter in this series
You’ve seen which Section this fictional series is filed under, yes?
Greek Gods.
That is all.
Oh, you don’t know about Greek Gods?1
Wellllll…let’s cover all the NSFW, gory, steamy, potentially triggering, mature content that you will find in these stories so you can decide if you want to trek with us into the Underworld or not. Of course, some of the most dastardly deeds take place up in the glittery halls of Olympos, and right here in our very own Mortal Realm.
Check it:
Incestuous Divine Relationships in Canon Greek Myth
Sexual Violence - also a canon staple
Trigger Warning Policy - this pretty much IS your trigger warning
Other Forms of Violence, Child Abuse, Natural Disaster & Atrocity
Kinky Fuckery & Other Sexxy Stuff
Profanity & Language
The Rape of Persephone, Abduction, and That Trixxy Pomegranate
And yes, there will be a couple spoilers for my plot lines here, so if you don’t need me to get any more specific about these warnings, you can skip straight to the story if you want to come in fresh:
Still not sure? Then let me get specific, because this is not the Greek mythology you pulled off the shelf in the kids’ section at the library when you were nine. This is not Disney where Hercules is the beloved son of Hera. (Bwahahahah! That’s a good one.) Neither is this Lore Olympus.
For example:
INCEST (EWWWW…) - No, seriously. It’s totally fine.
We do not change or downplay the canon lineages of our deities in this series. Yes. Haides is Persephone’s uncle. Yes. Persephone’s parents are brother and sister. Yes. Gaia did procreate with her own son/consort to create monsters and Titans, who then each paired off with a sibling/mate to give birth to more Titans and to the First Gen Olympians who then boinked around with each other (not always consensually), conceiving all number of the Second Gen. Except Hestia. She didn’t boink anybody.
Because of this, we tackle the incest issue head-on.
Such a mortal notion as incest was impossible between divine beings. Immortal essence had been designed to mix and mingle in any possible combination for the vast creation of the Universe. Age was as unfathomable a notion, for gods were deathless—ageless, as the saying went.
Speaking of age, my Persephone isn’t a child. She is nearly two hundred years old when she loses her virginity. Granted, two hundred is still pretty young for a deity, but nope. No underage boinking. No thousand year age gap between her and Haides either.
In order to not be squicked out by the incestuous aspect of canon mythology, one simply must go with it, splitting one’s mind and holding dichotomous facts as equally true. Haides is Persephone’s husband; Zeus is Persephone’s father; Haides is the brother of Zeus; he’s also the brother of Persephone’s mother, Demeter. In my version, no Olympian princesses were harmed or even grossed out by these facts because…Divine Ichor, not mortal blood.
Speaking of Zeusy. And Poseidon. And Apollo. And…
SEXUAL VIOLENCE - Not Cool. But Common.
Remember what I said at the beginning?
Greek. Gods.
Just because mortal incest can’t exist between our divine beings, that doesn’t mean other damaging sexual practices are null and void, no matter how “legal” or “culturally acceptable” they are in the ancient world.
Sexual assault, coercion, manipulation, boundary crossing, molestation, questionable consent, shape-shifting into cute little animal forms and pretending to be wounded so you can get the jump on the gal that keeps telling you no… These things happen in this series. If there is a rape, it’s because it’s a piece of canon lore.
I will only give you one spoiler of this nature, because aficionados of this myth tend to be pretty particular about which versions they enjoy. NO. The main relationship, Persephone and Haides, does NOT kick off with a sexual assault. (More on that later.)
That doesn’t mean these nasty acts don’t occur at other times. Unfortunately, in these myths it’s a too-common thing. When it happens, it will not be a steamy, sexy, happy or hawt day. It will thoroughly suck, and some of our characters react in volatile, even violent ways to this type of assault.2
TRIGGER WARNINGS - This pretty much IS your warning.
I will NOT be providing explicit trigger warnings that tell you, “In this chapter, you will encounter a sexual assault. In this chapter, you will encounter a murder. In this chapter, you will encounter child abuse.” This is because I’m a storyteller, I write for mature audiences, and I don’t believe in spoiling a boatload of my scenes for everybody who is not triggered by these things. I also can’t plan for every trigger someone might have. Some people are fine with reading rape and murder scenes but they get all freaked out by clowns, spiders, or butterflies.
(FYI lots of butterflies and spiders in this series. No clowns.)
(Haides with a glance at Mount Olympos: Sure about that?)
(Thunderheads forming over Olympos…)
As a survivor of multiple sexual assaults and other forms of violence that resulted in repressed memories and C-PTSD, I also believe strongly in this:3
Severe emotional reactions triggered by course material (or in this case, fictional tales) are a signal that students (readers) need to prioritize their mental health…
~Richard J. McNally
However, being someone who also had extreme difficulty obtaining outrageously expensive, rarely available trauma therapy of the certified and experienced caliber I needed for most of my life, I WILL provide a warning at the top of each chapter that there’s potentially disturbing stuff afoot with the recommendation to come read this page. This is for anybody stumbling cold into my publication, for anybody that may not realize they need trauma therapy, and for those who do not currently have access to the kind of therapy and support they need.
This is why I will also sometimes provide an alternate reading link of literary, factual original source versions that cooly state things like, “Character C gave birth to Character R after being raped by Character D.” That way you can know what’s going on in the next chapter without actually having to read the most overtly violent accounts if you don’t want to.
Warfare, smiting, torture, brawls, abusive arguments, cheating, lying, manipulation, nasty name-calling: the Greek Gods are one big dysfunctional family. When They have it out or have a bad day, natural disasters occur. So do other horrific incidents befalling mortals on account of divine wrath, apathy, petulance, greed, or because a divine Somebody stomped Their foot in a fit.
Most of the time, They don’t even notice.
Often, They don’t care.
We also don’t always have the greatest parents. Around these here parts, we have been known to imprison, eat, boil-and-eat, devour-and-imprison, curse, and generally abuse our offspring. When damning them to Tartaros, these curses can get quite creative. And protracted. Sometimes eternal.
In return, avenging children have been known to castrate, poison, lightning blast, imprison, and make war upon their abusive parents. Siblings also do this stuff to each other. When it comes to mortals, including demigods, the potential for maiming and murder is always on the table.4
Be aware: some Gods run around in their natural states; others prefer to wear clothes. Still others wear clothes that call attention to their divine callings. Some of these callings are fertility and sexuality. So just because a divinity is nekkid, this doesn’t automatically indicate a bow-chikka-bow-wow moment.
Sometimes it does.
Also. Hawt, steamy, consensual sex is not always vanilla round here, and we don't always shut the bedroom door.
I know.
Neither is sex always monogamous or straight, and it doesn’t only take place between one individual and one other. Yes. We have orgies. Yes. We masturbate. Sometimes we even shuck it in deeply reverent, divinely worshipful sacrifice. Yes. We have characters who are polyamorous, homosexual, non-binary, masochistic, asexual, and more. Yes. We happily enjoy all holes. Yes. We have enthusiastic kinky fuckery.
This fuckery is the fantasy, and the fantasy is not about contracting advance negotiations signed in ink, blood, or ichor like it should be between mature, law abiding, consenting Hashtag-Actual Humans®. It’s the Scene. It’s the kinky fantasy, and kink in my world is not merely a means to get you spanking, wanking, and spurting. I mean, it’s my job to turn you on, sure. (If you’re not turned on, this story might not be for you. No problem.) But there is always a deeper reason why sex and kink are included in my stories. Otherwise I’d be making wank-bank by churning out short, steamy Erotica.
I wish I could churn out short anything.
But nope! I just have to nerd out with all that annoying crap like plotting, world building, and friggin’ character development with high-heat sexxxy frosting and a sacredly deviant cherry on top.
Some examples: bondage, abduction, voyeurism, exhibitionistic public sex, degradation & humiliation fetish with the sadists who love to give it, interrogation, impact, primal claws, and no, we are not always human.
In fact, in this series, we’re almost never human. Sometimes our shape-shifting deities like to boink in animal form. Some of our characters are PART animal form. We have centaurs and mermaids and winged deities and most of them boink. We have satyrs running around here and not everybody is trying to escape their clutches. In fact, we have deep, abiding, devoted satyr-love in one of our arcs.
Maybe you know who falls heels-over-horns in love with a furry-legged, cloven-hooved, big dicked horn-dog. It’s one of my favorite canon pairings. In fact, they’re so fun to write that they have demanded their own spinoff.
Oh yeah. We say words like “dick” around here—although not in this particular series. Yes, the Gods are ageless and timeless and we sometimes throw in hints of the modern, especially with our prescient characters. But “dick” is pushing it. “Cock” didn’t feel right either so that’s something piddly mortals say. But don’t let Persephone’s formal use of the word “phallus” woo you into thinking we’re remotely proper and conservative in our language.
We drop F-bombs and use all manner of profanity, both crude and creative. Of course, we also say things like “make love” and “I adore thee to the starry firmament and back, or at least around the block—”
Okay, we don’t say that last thing.
But we definitely swear.
So speaking of dick…
Since we’re opening this publication’s Greek Gods Section with Persephone & Haides, we have to address these topics in depth. This will get into major plot spoilers for my stories, in case you need them to decide if you want to embark on these adventures with us.
If you need to know how I handle the most controversial and touchy aspects of this myth, these topics will require a post of their own:
If you already know that you want to dive in and you want unspoiled eyes, you can just cruise on over here and bookmark the Table of Contents:
Theoi.com - A boatload of canon snippets and ancient text stories gathered all in one place for our devouring pleasure.
The touchy subject:
One of the gazillion conversations about it: “Why is rape featured so prominently in Greek mythology?” Including links to both Wikis which will get you started down this rabbit hole - “List of rape victims in ancient history and mythology” and “mythological rape victims.” These are by no means complete or representative of worldwide mythology.
Guide to the classics: Ovid’s Metamorphoses and reading rape in today’s age
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) - Including the National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-HOPE
To trigger warning or not to trigger warning, that is the question:
If you need a trigger warning, you probably need PTSD treatment
Why use of trigger warnings persists despite research suggesting they might be counter-productive - and why I made these warning pages.
Complex PTSD - how prolonged and repeated trauma rewires the nervous system and manifests in personality, self-esteem, and behaviors. It is a slightly different beastie from single-incident PTSD.
One of the best books I have ever read in my life: The Body Keeps the Score - Brain, Mind & Body in the Healing of Trauma
Don't want to read the book? Here's the basic premise of what trauma does to the body and why talking about it, even in therapy, so often doesn't solve the problems: Short Version. Or Long Version by the author himself
A few of the myriad healing techniques discussed in the book: EMDR, Yoga, Mindfulness & Support Network. These are only a few the book covers.
You’re still here? What, you just can’t get enough of all these divine dastardly deeds? Yeah, me neither. Here ya go! Enjoy: