Why might you wish to disembark here and explore my fantastical islands?


Fantasy photo montage: green-faced Gaia, warrior with horned helmet, gladiatrix, lovers kissing in silhouette before a glowing sunrise, Persephone about sink teeth into a pomegranate

Do you like steamy, gory serial fiction set in fantastical and mythic locales? Enjoy mermaids, minotaurs, satyrs, and three-headed hell-hounds? What about psychics, telekinetics, evil scientists, and lounge singers? We’ll eventually have those around here, so if you dig them, you may be in the right place.

Hopefully you like a good dose of soul searching with all that, because around here, you can’t have 👆 that fun stuff 👆 without it. You’ll occasionally get some shorter and midsize fiction out of me, too.


A flower-crowned Persephone, Bringer of Blossomtime opens her mouth to eat a pomegranate. Half of it is pink and juicy, half is brown and dead. So, too, is her face—half springtime flower goddess, half bone-white queen of the dead. Her vibrant blooms are singed and riddles with spiders.


We’ll be headed for some sharp, southerly drops into the Underworld—the Greek one, and others. Down there, we’ll have us a variety of NSFW adventures of both the stormy and the steamy variety, so if you’re uncomfy with that or you’re under 18, flee now!


The act of fantastical world building is the study of history and a boatload of…Ologies: anthropology, geology, biology, sociology, just to name a few. You rip What Is and Has Been into pieces, smash the desired fragments together, and glue it all into an inventive whole using elements from the imagination.

Have you ever wanted to create a fantasy world of your own but have no idea how to start? Are you stuck with your world and looking for new techniques from other geeks?

Come see how I and my favorite world-builders do it, and please, please, share your own favorite processes, tools, tricks, and hacks! The more we pass that stuff around, the better our created worlds and stories will be.

A lot of the shorter work-in-progress and world-building stuff will take place on Notes, so keep a lookout there for the stuff that most inspires me to write these tales:

Join me on Notes


At the moment, all content on this publication is available for free, but that could change in the future as I become accustomed to this platform and what I want to put here.

It will also depend on what kind of community we build around here, and the ever-fluctuating state of my health. Living with four brain traumas can squash one’s ability to sustain consistent output on a longterm basis.

EDIT: I have paused paid subscriptions, as I am currently mourning the death of my mother, recovering from knee surgery, and recording audio versions of the previously posted chapters as a special somethin’-somethin’ for my paid subscribers. We’ll be back up as soon as we can.

Then why should I sign up for a paid subscription?

If you generously subscribe with a paid membership…whuff. I SALUTE YOU. You have my deepest gratitude, because you will be helping to save my disabled butt!

(I actually don’t qualify for Disability Assistance because I was not a minor, not elderly, and yet too young to have earned enough working credits when a drunk driver gave me my first TBI.)

Hence why I do not issue subscription refunds after 7 days.

By not paywalling my stuff, this is one of my Pay It Forward dances to anybody in a situation like mine who can’t afford such luxuries as paid subscriptions, and in gratitude to everyone who has been generous with me.

Plus, when brain glitches or other un-fun adventures occur, I stop being able to be consistent. I mean, everybody does, but this happens to me so frequently and hits me like a tank, which prevents me from promising you some sort of clockwork special subscriber somethin’-somethin’. This is why I don’t feel right about charging a specified price for what I do.

As such, if there is something you’d like from me as a paid subscriber, please ask. I’ll let you know if I’m up to it, and if it’s something I’m willing to give.

Since $5/month is a hefty commitment but it’s the lowest option I can set my memberships to, I offer you THE DAILY SPECIAL - 50% off by using this code:


Bitmoji of the author sending you heart-shaped octopus hugs

My Other Substacks

Tip of the tophat to those who provide the super-slick tech for this publication: Substack.com. Just think…you could start one of your very own!

Subscribe to Twisted History & Myth

Fantasy Fiction: Steamy, gory tales of soul-searching & love. Gladiators, gods & myths galore. Mermaids, mind-messers, minotaurs, more.


Writey-Fighty Dancer Nerd. Innovative Creative. Both Bella & Beast. Needs more clones. Or crew. AKA Isidora in dance.