Cast of Characters: Greek Gods
Plus our Primordials, Titans, Monsters, Mortals & more!
Are you starting to lose track of who some of these characters are? Have you forgotten which one is the God of Travel and which one is the God of Trickery? (Same god.) Feeling overwhelmed by all these A-name characters? Oh, my Gods, and all those E-names, some of which are super similar to the A-names? I mean…Eos, Eros, Eris, Iris, Ares—AGHHH!
I built this guide to help you keep track of it all. Ahem—sorta. This list is by no means comprehensive, especially when so many of the most (in)famous figures haven’t even been born yet. Heck, Dionysos is only six moons old and is years away from being deified, the Trojan War is a lonnnng way off, Haides doesn’t even have judges in the Underworld yet, and Herakles isn’t so much as a spark zinging around in Zeus’ bolt.
This list also is restricted to the versions of the myths that I have chosen or interwoven from the many, mannnny conflicting sources, rather than including all their different origins and attributes possible.
I’d say we have plenty to remember just with the characters we need to be actively concerned about. So here they are!
(And yes, there are some major spoilers to our plot in here. You’ve been warned.)
P.S. EDIT: Unless you’re a super-nerd like me who wants to know AllTheThings, this list was not built for your firehosed reading glub-glub-glub. It was originally built for my beta readers who had trouble keeping track of all the A, E, and H names, and everybody’s gazillion epithets. (Which I have significantly paired down, BTW. Seriously. You have no idea. Greek mythology is, like…epithet city.)
This list is no reason for you to feel overwhelmed. It’s a tool if it helps you, and something to ignore if it doesn’t.
Choose your learning medium
**For your searching ease: to skip down to any letter, do a FIND for “space LETTER space” - for example, if you’re looking up who the BLEEP is Thanatos, search for “space T space” and it’ll bring you straight to the Ts. Because the size of our cast list is pure ridiculata.
Aides/Aidoneus - Haides - the more ancient version of his name
Agesander - Haides - “the one who carries all away”
Agesilaos - Haides - “the one who attracts all to him”
AITHER - Primordial Light who manifests as the the brightly shining, blue air of the Upper Realms
AKHERON - God of the Underworld’s River of Pain, also called the River of Woe
ALEKTO - one of the Erinyes (Furies) - “implacable or unceasing anger” - wreaks curses, madness or death with her fiery touch and the blaze of her eyes
Androgeny & Intersexuality, God of - Hermaphroditos
ANTEROS - God of Love Returned, Avenger of Unrequited Lovers, one of the Erotes, golden, winged son of Aphrodite and Ares, conceived to keep an enraged Eros in check
APHRODITE - Goddess of Love & Beauty, born of the foam that arose when Kronos castrated his father Ouranos and threw the genitals into the sea, one of the most ancient goddesses and an honorary Olympian, primary lover of Ares, divorced from Hephaistos
APOLLO - God of Music, Poetry, Prophesy & Healing, son of Zeus by the Titaness Leto, twin brother of Artemis. Formally APOLLON, but he likes this spelling better because of that prophetic vision he had about a flaming vehicle bearing his name and shooting through the heavens like Helios’ sun-chariot. He thought that was pretty cool. Or rather…hawt.
AREION - immortal horse borne by Demeter after Poseidon raped her
ARES - God of War, the only son of Zeus & Hera, primary lover of Aphrodite
Armored Maiden - Athene
ARTEMIS - Goddess of the Hunt, Virgin of the Wilds, daughter of Zeus by the Titaness Leto, twin sister of Apollo
ASKALAPHOS - daimon of the Underworld, Orchardist of Haides
ASTRAIOS - Titanic God of Astrology & the Stars
ATHENE - Goddess of Wisdom, Weaving & Warcraft, the Armored Maiden, she sprouted fully grown and armored from the head of Zeus after he devoured his first wife, Metis, Goddess of Wise Counsel
BAUBO - Goddess of Mirth, disguised at Eleusis as the servant “Iambe”
BRIARIOS - One of the Hundred-Handed Giants who helped the Olympians in the Titan War and freed Zeus when his siblings tried to overthrow him
Bride of Rot - Persephone
Bromios - Dionysos’ epithet and the original name Zeus called him after Semele gave birth to him, it means “roaring” for his ability to shape-shift into a bull, and for his role as the “Little Thunderer”
Bounty, Mistress of - Demeter
Bringer of Blossomtime - Persephone
Bringer of Destruction - Persephone
Cattle-Rustler - Hermes
Chthonic Zeus - Haides - "Zeus of the Underworld" - his most detested mortal-bestowed epithet that he hates even more than Klymenos, which naturally inspires Zeus-Zeus to ensure that this moniker never dies out
Commander of Multitudes - Haides
Conductor of Souls - Hermes
Crossings, Lady of - Hekate
Crossings, Lord of - Hermes
Dark King - Haides
Dark Queen - Kampe, the Great Drakaina
Dawn, Goddess of - Eos
Dead, King of the - Haides
Death, Master of - Haides
Death, God of - Thanatos
DEIMOS - God of Panic, son of Ares & Aphrodite, twin of Phobos
DEMETER - Earth Mother, Queen of the Earth, Goddess of Bounty and the Harvest, Mistress of Grains, second daughter of Rhea & Kronos, mother of Persephone by Zeus, and of Despoina and Areion after being raped by Poseidon
DEMOPHOON - The infant prince of Eleusis that Demeter attempted to immortalize to replace her lost Kore
Desire, God of - Himeros
DESPOINA - Daughter of Demeter, born after Poseidon raped her, nobody is allowed to know her true name so she goes by her epithet, “the Mistress.”
DIONYSOS - God of Wine, Merriment & Madness, the Twice-Born son of Zeus and the demigoddess priestess Semele, born from Zeus’ own thigh after Hera got Semele killed. (He was secretly conceived from the recovered heart of Zagreus, called Thrice-Born by those who know the dirty family laundry.)
Discord, Goddess of - Eris
Drakaina, the Great - Kampe
Dread King - Haides
Dread Queen - Persephone, previously Kampe
Dreams, God of - Morpheos
Earth Mother/Queen of the Earth - Demeter
Earth Herself - Gaia
Earth-Shaker - Poseidon
ENYALIOS - minor war-god, son of Ares
ENYO - Goddess of War
EOS - Goddess of the Dawn
EREBOS - Primordial Darkness who occupies all the lightless place within the Earth and the Underworld, born of Khaos, consort of Nyx
ERINYES - chthonic Goddesses of Vengeance, a.k.a. The Furies, birthed from the droplets of blood shed at the castration of Ouranos. Three winged, snake-haired sisters responsible for wreaking curses and madness upon mortal betrayers, they dwell in the primordial darkness of Erebos:
Alekto - “implacable anger” - a.k.a. Fire
Megaira - “jealous rage” - a.k.a. Acid
Tisiphone - “vengeful destruction” - a.k.a. Ice
ERIS - Goddess of Discord, Bringer of Strife, daughter of Nyx—one of the many children the Goddess of Night birthed without mating
EROS - Love Primordial, one of the most ancient beings in creation, formed just after Khaos and Gaia, incarnated into winged immortal flesh by the union of Aphrodite & Ares to become the Olympian God of Love, also known as the Cherub, the Matchmaker, and the Lord of Lust, he comes armed with two types of arrows—those with gold tips and those with lead
EROTES - The golden, winged love-god sons of Aphrodite by Ares:
Eros - Love Incarnate
Anteros - God of Love Returned
Himeros - God of Desire
Hedylogos - God of Sweet-Talk
Hymenaios - God of Marriage & Weddings
Pothos - God of Longing
And by Hermes: Hermaphroditos - God of Androgeny & Intersexuality
Fates - The Moirai
Ferryman - Kharon
Flame, Mistress of - Hestia
Forge & Fire, God of - Hephaistos
Furies - The Erinyes
GAIA - Primordial Earth Herself, the second being to emerge at creation after Khaos, she gave birth to a boatload of primordials, creatures, monsters and Titans. Many came from her mating with Ouranos, but not all.
Grains, Mistress of - Demeter
HAIDES - Lord of the Underworld, King of the Dead, Divine Warden, He of Many, Many, Many Names, eldest son of Rhea & Kronos, originally an Olympian but he was transformed into a chthonic being when he ate the food of the Underworld and bound himself permanently to that realm
HARMONIA - Goddess of Harmony, only daughter of Aphrodite & Ares, mother of Semele by the mortal Kadmos
Harmony, Goddess of - Harmonia
HARPIES - The half-bird/half-woman daimons of Zeus who snatch mortals from the Earth, a trio were sent down as a gift to Haides for use in the pits of Tartaros
Harvest, Goddess of the - Demeter
Hearth, Goddess of the - Hestia
Heavens, King of the - Zeus
Heavens, Queen of the - Hera
HEDYLOGOS - God of Sweet-Talk and Flattery, one of the Erotes, golden, winged son of Aphrodite and Ares
HEKATE - Mistress of Magic, Mystery & Moon, Divine Sorceress, Lady of Crossings, triple-formed Titaness who sees the past, present and future, the only goddess granted Olympian sanction to cross at will between the Upper & Lower Realms
HEKATONKHERIES - a.k.a. Hundred-Handers, the hundred-armed, fifty-headed storm-giants, a trio of monstrous sons of Gaia & Ouranos that were so hated by their father that he buried them in the earth, allies of the Olympians in the Titan War
HELIOS - Titan God of the Sun
He of Many Names - Haides
HEPHAISTOS - God of Forge & Fire, Master of Metalwork, Lord of Automatons, son of Hera from her attempt to spontaneously create a child without a father to get back at Zeus, but he was born lame so his mother pitched him off Mount Olympos, since he had never suckled at her breast or eaten divine ambrosia, the damaged to his face and body became permanent, divorced from Aphrodite
HERA - Goddess of Marriage, Queen of the Heavens & Olympos, Mistress of the Stars, youngest daughter of Rhea & Kronos, wife of Zeus, mother of Ares, Hebe, Eileithyia and Hephaistos
HERMAPHRODITOS - God of Androgyny & Intersexuality, one of the Erotes, golden, winged child of Hermes & Aphrodite, permanently fused with the naiad Salmakis
HERMES - God of Travel, Trade & Trickery, Conductor of Souls, personal messenger of Zeus, the only god granted Olympian sanction to cross at will between the Upper & Lower Realms, son of Zeus and the star nymph Maia
HESPERIDES - Goddess-Nymphs of the Sunset
HESTIA - Goddess of Hearth & Home, Mistress of Flame, eldest daughter of Rhea & Kronos, sworn virgin, gave up her seat on the Olympian Council to Dionysos after his deification
HIMEROS - God of Sexual Desire, one of the Erotes, golden, winged son of Aphrodite and Ares
Host of Many (A Ghost) - Haides
Hound of Haides - Kerberos
Hundred-Handers - Hekatonkheires
Hunt, Goddess of the - Artemis
HYMENAIOS - God of Marriage & Weddings, one of the Erotes, golden, winged son of Aphrodite and Ares
HYPNOS - God of Sleep
Iambe - Covert name of Baubo, Goddess of Mirth, while disguised as a servant at Eleusis
IRIS - Goddess of Rainbows, Divine Messenger, carries the pitcher of waters from the River Styx upon which immortals swear their most sacred oaths
KADMOS - Mortal husband of Harmonia, King of Thebes, transformed into a snake after he slew one of Ares’ drakonian sons
KAMPE - the Great Drakaina and first Queen of the Underworld, Her Un-nameable Majesty, Zeus lightning-blasted her and dumped her ashes into the River of Forgetting, her throne was first given to Poseidon but then the three brothers drew official lots and it was given to Haides. (Haides is pretty sure his brothers fixed those lots just to screw him, but more the fool them. He prefers the raucous, mischievous Underworld to petty, bickering Olympos.)
KERES - Winged daimons of Violent Death
Klymenos - Haides, “the illustrious one”
Kore - Persephone, “the maiden”, the epithet most used in place of her name
KERBEROS - three-headed hound of Haides who guards the Gate of Shades against anyone who tries to leave the Underworld
KEUTHONYMOS - Daimon of the Underworld, the only one brave enough to deliver urgent messages to Haides when the Chthonic King is not to be disturbed
King of Cruelty - Haides
King of Shades - Haides
King of the Gods/Heavens/Olympos - Zeus
King of the Sea - Poseidon
King of the Titans - Kronos
KHAOS - The first primordial being of creation who manifests as colorless misty air of the Mortal Realm
KHARON - The daimon ferryman who carries the souls of the dead across the Akherousian Mere from the Gate of Shades to the House of Judgment, son of Nyx & Erebos, best friend of Haides
KOKYTOS - God of the Underworld’s River of Wailing, also called the River of Tears
KRONOS - Deposed King of the Titans, Master of Time, father of the First Generation Olympians, five of whom he swallowed for fear of being overthrown, currently resides in the Palace of Hours in the Underworld’s Isles of the Blessed (except when he torques off Haides, then he is chucked back into Tartaros with the rest of his Titan brothers, which is…like…every other year)
KYKLOPSES - One-eyed monstrous sons of Gaia & Ouranos, were also buried inside the earth by their father and aided the Olympians in the Titan War, gave Zeus the lightning bolt, Poseidon the trident, and Haides the Helmet of Invisibility
KYANE - a naiad daughter of Okeanos, transformed into a spring when she fell into the earth as Haides snatched Persephone
LEUKE - a nymph, daughter of Okeanos, lover of Haides who carried her off into the Underworld, after her death she was transformed into a white poplar in the Elysian Fields
LETHE - Goddess of the Underworld’s River of Forgetting, a.k.a. the River of Oblivion
Longing, God of - Pothos
Lordling Light - Apollo
Love, God of - Eros, after he incarnated as the son of Aphrodite and Ares
Love, Goddess of - Aphrodite
Love Gods - The Erotes
Love Primordial - EROS
Love Returned, God of - Anteros
Magic, Mystery & Moon, Mistress of - Hekate
MATANEIRA - Queen of Eleusis, mother of Demophoon
Marriage, Goddess of - Hera
Marriage & Weddings, God of - Hymenaios
MEGAIRA - youngest of the Erinyes (Furies) - “jealous rage” - wreaks curses, madness, or death with her acidic breath or kiss
Memory, Goddess of - Mnemosene
Messenger of the Gods - Iris
Messenger of Zeus - Hermes
MINTHE - Nymph from the River Kokytos, Haides’ most frequent and longstanding lover prior to his marriage, transformed into a mint plant for insulting Persephone and trying to seduce her husband
MELINOE - Daughter of Persephone, born after Zeus raped her while wearing Haides’ Helmet of Invisibility, born half-dark/half-light
MOIRAI - the three Goddesses of Fate
Klotho - "the Spinner," who spun the thread of life
Lakhesis - "the Apportioner of Lots", who measured it
Atropos - "She Who Cannot Be Turned," who cut it short.
Moon, Titanic Goddess of the - Selene
Goddess of the Dark Moon, as well as the Threefold Goddess - Hekate
Artemis is also related to the moon, in the way that Apollo is related to the sun.
MORPHEUS - Leader of the Onieroi, the dark-winged daimons of dreams
MNEMOSENE - Titanic Goddess of Memory
NEMESIS - Goddess of indignation against, and retribution for, evil deeds and undeserved good fortune
Nekrodegmon - Haides, “Entertainer of the Dead”
NIKE - Goddess of Victory
Notorious One - Haides
NYX - Night Primordial, born of Khaos, mother of many daimons and immortals, many of whom she birthed on her own, and many others who came from her mating with Erebos
Oath-Maker - Iris
Oath-Keeper - Styx
OKEANOS - Titanic God of the River Okeanos, the great earth-encircling river and source of all fresh water
OKEANIDS - daughters of Okeanos, nymphs and playmates of Kore (there are more but these are the ones we know:
Styx - see below
OLYMPIAN COUNCIL - The twelve ruling Olympians:
Hestia—who later gave up her seat to Dionysos after his deification
OLYMPIANS, First Generation - Born of Kronos and Rhea
OLYMPIANS, Second Generation - offspring of First Generation Olympians allowed have temples on Olympos or dwell in the temple of a parent:
Zagreus (and therefore Dionysos once he is deified)
(Honorary: Aphrodite)
OLYMPIANS, Third Generation - offspring of Second Generation Olympians allowed to reside in Olympos or reside in the temple of a parent:
Eros & the Erotes
OURANOS - Primordial Sky, birthed of Gaia and fathered upon her the Titans, Kyklopses, and Hundred-Handers, his castration by Kronos birthed Aphrodite, the Giants, and the Erinyes (Furies)
Panic, God of - Deimos
PELOPS - son of Tantalos, killed by his father and served for supper at a banquet of the Gods
PERSEPHONE - a.k.a. Kore (“the maiden”), Bringer of Blossomtime, Sprite of Light, daughter of Demeter by Zeus, wife of Haides, Queen of the Underworld, Goddess of Springtime, mother of Zagreus and Melinoe
PHOBOS - God of Terror, son of Ares & Aphrodite, twin of Deimos
Poetry & Music, God of - Apollo
POSEIDON - God of the Sea, Earth-Shaker, Lord of Flood & Drought, Master of Horses, second son of Rhea & Kronos
POTHOS - God of Longing, one of the Erotes, golden, winged son of Aphrodite and Ares
Praxidike - Persephone, “bringer of justice”
Prince of the Mount - Dionysos (refers to both Mounts Olympos and Nysa)
Prophesy, Lord of - Astraios.
For the prophetic Olympian God, see Apollo
PYRIPHLEGETHON - God of the Underworld’s River of Fire
Rainbows, Goddess of - Iris
RHEA - Queen of the Titans, Mother of the Gods, Mistress of Flowing Fertility, wife of Kronos, mother of the six First Generation Olympians, deceived her husband to free their five children he had swallowed by feeding him a stone instead of their sixth—Zeus, who was raised to overthrow the Titan King
River of Fire - Pyriphlegethon
River of Forgetting/Oblivion - Lethe
River of Hate - Styx
River of Pain/Woe - Akheron
River of Wailing/Tears - Kokytos
Sea King - Poseidon
SELENE - Titanic Goddess of the Moon
Shades, King of - Haides
SEMELE - Demigoddess daughter of Harmonia and Kadmos, inherited her mother’s cursed necklace, mother of Dionysos by Zeus, while she was pregnant she was tricked by Hera into maneuvering Zeus to show her his immortal form which blasted her to ash
SIRENS: Three half-bird sea nymph sisters who lure sailors to their doom, originally they were handmaidens of Persephone until Haides abducted her and Demeter cursed them
Sky King - Zeus
Primordial Sky - see Ouranos
Sleep, God of - Hypnos
Sorcery, Mistress of/Divine Sorceress - Hekate
Springtide, Soul of - Persephone/Kore
Spring, Goddess of - Persephone/Kore
Sprite of Light/Night - Persephone/Kore
Stars, God of the - Astraos
STYX - Goddess of the Underworld’s River of Hate
Sweet-Talk, God of - Hedylogos
Sun, God of the - Helios
TANTALOS - Demigod son of Zeus, killed his son Pelops and served him for supper at a banquet for the Gods, punished with eternal damnation in Tartaros
TARTAROS - Primordial Pit of Storms, lying beneath the foundation of the earth, in these pits the most wicked of souls are purified through torture prior to reincarnation, the unredeemable are tormented for eternity, including the Titans who lost the Titanomachy against the Olympians
Terror, God of - Phobos
THANATOS - God of Non-Violent Death
Thresher - Persephone
Time, Master of - Kronos
TISIPHONE - one of the Erinyes (Furies) - “vengeful destruction” - wreaks curses, madness and death with her icy breath and touch
TITANS/TITANESSES - Six male and six female offspring of Gaia & Ouranos, who then gave birth to younger Titans, other immortals, and the First Generation Olympians
Tormentor of Tartaros - Haides
Twice-Born - Dionysos
(Also called the Thrice-Born for those who know the dirty family secret that he was once the murdered Zagreus)
Thunderer - Zeus
Underworld, Lord/King of the - Haides
Underworld, Queen of the - Persephone
Underworld, First Queen of the - Kampe
Un-nameable Majesty - Kampe
Unseen One - Haides
War, God of - Ares
War, Goddess of - Enyo
Warcraft, Goddess of - Athene
War-god, minor - Enyalios - son of Ares
Weaving & Wisdom, Goddess of - Athene
Young/Little Thunderer - Dionysos
ZAGREUS - Son of Persephone when Zeus took her maidenhood in sneaky drakonian form. After being named Prince of Olympos, the powerful, horned child was destroyed by Titans on command of Hera, his heart was saved and implanted into the womb of Semele, only to be blasted to ash at the underhanded death of his second mother. Zeus sewed the remains inside his thigh and gave birth to Dionysos, which is why he is called the Thrice-Born for those who are privy to the family’s dirty laundry and know his full history as Zagreus.
ZEUS - King of Olympos, God of the Sky, Master of the Heavens, Lord of Order, Law & Lightning, youngest child of Rhea & Kronos, the only First Generation Olympian who was not swallowed by Kronos
The Family Tree of Primordials, Titans & Olympian Gods - or should I say, a really nice attempt to put the whole intertwined, ouroborosian mess into a 2D format. Well, as best we can, given how complicated it is even without the gazillion different conflicting versions, ancient origins, and shifts throughout history. Hahahah! Extra tidbits of those examples can be found in the Reddit comments by people who are even nerdier about this stuff than I am.
Not nearly as comprehensive but far more entertaining: I had to include this one for “Sea Foam” alone. 🤣😈🤣😈🤣😈🤣
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© 2021 Hartebeast
Holy shit! What a list! Admittedly I'm just along for the ride. It is a lot to keep up with, although I enjoyed my high school years, when we delved into Homer and Greek Mythology a bit here and there. Love that you're recapturing that vibe, but yes, the cast of characters feels like it's in the thousands.